Tools and Guides
Affordability calculator
Discover the 3 types of affordability and calculate what you can actually afford with our affordability calculator.
Find out how much cash you need right now (hint: it’s not just your deposit) and the extra costs to factor into your decision.
Buying with someone else? Use our tools to work out what you can afford together and get advice on how to buy with someone else.
how to choose your mortgage
Even with a good mortgage advisor you have to make choices, and it can be hard to understand the tradeoffs you’re making.
Use our guide to understand how you can put yourself in the best financial position by picking the right mortgage.
Should you fix your rate for 1 year, 2 year, 5 years?
Are you better off using all of your savings to buy a house, or borrowing more?
25 years, 30 years or 35 years - how this decision impacts your finances
how much should I offer?
You’ve finally found the home of your dreams, other people are interested in it and you don’t want to lose out. How much do you offer?
We share a simple set of steps to follow to work this out, giving you the best chance of having your offer accepted without overpaying.
You had your offer accepted. now what?
Save yourself time, money and stress by doing the right steps in the right order. Solicitors, surveys, insurance - we explain what you need to know so you get it right.
First time? We explain what happens after your offer is accepted.
Done this before? We share tactics to reduce the risk of you losing money if things go wrong.